Import Statements And Too Much Food.

Import Statements And Too Much Food.

Rebuilding my website has been a long-standing item on my to-do list, and finally, I'm making progress alongside a few project ideas that have been lingering in the back of my mind.

It's always amazing how little things can have a big impact on my quality of life.

While rebuilding my site with Nuxt 3, I've found not needing import statements to be just that. It's such a small thing, but having globally available components is amazing.

Initially, I wasn't sure how to create a sub-directory for feature components. It turns out to be rather simple and keeps everything nice and organized. Simply create a subdirectory inside of the components folder in your project and begin the name of your components with the title of the sub-directory.

This allows you to maintain separation but still benefit from the amazing ability to directly import components without the clutter of import statements in your script tag.

Another quality-of-life feature I'm excited about is the resupply calculator I'm building into my site. I'll say it, I have a fear of running out of food on thru-hikes. This always leads to me carrying too much. There is nothing better than cruising into town while eating your last candy bar. You feel like a hero, and I love that empty pack resting on my shoulders. But this is a rare event for me.

A fellow hiker shared a technique of counting down calories while grocery shopping for their next section. While a great idea, it seemed cumbersome to manage in the store. Hence, the calculator comes into play. I can input my desired calories, daily and total mileage for the upcoming section, adding items to my list as I shop.

Once I reach my total, I can download the list for each day, ensuring I have a convenient reference for my night-before food preparation. It's a small thing, but it provides peace of mind and ensures I have everything I need for the next day.

In life and coding, it's often the little things that make a big difference. Speaking of which, here's to enjoying just the right amount of food this Thanksgiving!